November 16, 2003

... for the past few mths... raymond went to the roller coaster of life... his life went for a ride which he totally felt so terribly difficult to handle... workload had been more and more... everything is thrown to him... company policies kept changing... frustrated he may be... but there isn't anything he could do abt it. Work is not be appreciated...

He really questioned his calling to the market place. His passion is still teaching... now there is opening... he is still deciding and thinking abt it.

Going thru ups and downs in life izzit what he desire... causing him to go in and out of depression. Many things, he asked to Lord... to help him. Yes... everything He came and rescued him in a special way... if God will to give him a special human touch... everything will be completed.

He is seriously thinking of quitting his current job and seek greener pasture which he can focus on ministry and work with pleasures...

I need a clear sign... give me a clear sign Lord...