October 19, 2002

Arr...gh! Pulled my chest muscles... haiz don't know what happened. I, however, still continue to do my situps and pushups despite of having abit a twisting pain.
Had a Mac pineapple pie bought kindly by my little sister. Was feeling better after eating it, I still prefer pineapple pie to apple pie. Thanks River for e comment on my previous blog. Ganbatte for ur studies!

October 18, 2002

I came back not too long ago and realised that Raymond have to move on in life... Things have changed, people had changed. No pt dwelling in the past. Let the past be buried and start A New Beginnin...

There is another bombing 6 killed and 150 hurt... and e sipner is still at large.My heart weights me down. Why can man just live at peace with one another? Sigh!
All I can offer is my prayers to the innocent lives lost. My heart is broken by the cruelity of man.

October 17, 2002

Going to meet the gal who gave me the sweet, bitter, happy and sad memories tomolo... Will be having Ba Kue Teh near MS. Most probably, after that I will be back home finish up my msg.

October 16, 2002

Received gd news from the school which I was previously teaching that my students did very well for their final yr exams. Out of the 40 students, 2 failed. One third scored 60 marks and above. Had a sense of satisfication for seeing them thru' their Sec 1 education.
Though I only taught them for 7mths.

Initial when I took over the resposibility from the relief teacher who created a big mess, I was thinking how could I savage wif all the mess made. Thank God, He enable me to do it.

Having a HOD who is not so demanding also helped me to cope wif the tremendous stress. Ironically when my HOD din give me stress, I was able to produce a good equality piece of work. Most of class tests, was vetted thru once wif very minor corrections. Example, wrong spellings, missing words etc. Even the Mid-Year Exam papers was vetted thru by my HOD wif credit.

Before, I left for my current job I received news tat a female teacher will be taking over my job. I was relieved to know that she is a very responsible teacher from IE. I was right, she got all the energy and enthusiasm. I'm sure the students had benefitted much from her passion for teaching. That why they did so well for their final year exams. Keep up the gd works, Pei Ch**!

I still miss teaching in Y Secondary School...

Just posted the link ABOUT the person behind a new beginnin...
And added Tanya to his links...

October 14, 2002

The current mood of boon_kiang@yahoo.com at www.imood.com
Din noe wat happened to my blog last nite. The entire blog was gone... Sianz!

Met up wif Jun & Leong yesterday for dinner at Causeway pt. We went to this Japanese restaurant, Noodle. We had a hearty and enjoyable dinner.

We ordered the Noodle's fried chicken & Tofu wif sweet and sour sauce to share. Jun ordered Yokako Don wif Udon. Leong ordered Japanese curry rice for himself. While I had Katsu Don wif Udon. After, Leong said grace, we digged in. While eating, conversations revolving e upcoming youth camp, e fear & joy of becomin a father(Leong), uncertainity of life, how God will oversee all these etc... were being interacted.

The evening passed quickly, we bidded farewell to each other...
I was glad that I was able to meet up wif these two bros. They had greatly contributed to my christian life over the yrs.

Thanks Jun for being a wonderful buddy over e yrs even though u have ur own shortcomings!
Thanks Leong for being a older bro whose life was being modelled after Jesus. I am encouraged by e way u lived ur life!

October 13, 2002

The Bali Blast was another Catastrophe since the Sept 11. My condolences to family members of those whose lives were lost b'coz of someones' irresponsible behaviours.
The current mood of boon_kiang@yahoo.com at www.imood.com
Wat a day!
Was in church the whole day... rehearsaling for the musical drama for the mth of Dec. I was trying to remember all the movements. Wow! Din noe that dancing according dance movement choreographied can be so tiring and this is only for one song.

I am give my compliments to the 2 choreographers. They are absolutely talented. I am totally amazed by the well-organized dance pattern. It really brings out the entire scenrio described in the song. My whole body is aching from top to bottom.

The whole casts are gettin better wif their own individual roles. I believed the musical drama will be a success. Not b'coz of the casts but b'coz God is really seeing us thru' the production, more so wif our lives.

Praise God! It's my prayer tat at the end of the production, we will be not only drawn closer wif each other but wif the Almighty.