July 12, 2003

... Yesterday's CG was alittle different from the norm. Joshua led in a time charade. Everyone of us took turns to act out a character from the bible. I happened to take the more difficult ones.

Acting out the character Jocab was easy. Tried throwing some punches here and there... but it looked more like boxing than wrestling. Roped in Joshua to act a scene of wrestling. Johnny and Jasmina could not give the correct. We decided to drop bigger hints like a whole nation was named after him, his hip bone was been touch by the angel of the Lord etc. They still couldn't give the correct answer.

We decided to reveal the answer.

"It's was Jocab!"

After some much fun and laughters, Joshua commented that we were still very lacking in our bible knowledge. He did it in a manner of encouragement and not putting down those who were not so knowledgable. He reminded us that we need to read the bible more often. I was encouraged by the way he inspired the rest of us to get back to God's word instead of putting us down.

The time of worship was led by Jasmina... though we could not sing the last song well... I believed the Lord was pleased. It was how good we can sing individually or how well we can sing in unison... Worship was never about us. It is about God and God alone. Indeed, the Lord God Almighty is worthy of our praise.

Joshua took the rest of the time to share his heart for the CG in the coming months. He wants us to focus on being more sensitive to the Lord's prompting. Hence, the theme for the upcoming months was "Find the Father's heart".

He hoped that we will spend more time to seek the Lord through prayer. I was tasked to embark on the 1st session which is the upcoming week CG.

It's a new beginning, a new journey for Lighthouse 1...

My personal prayer is our heart be conditioned to be align to God's hearthear, Ears to in tune to hear God's gentle whisper and eyes to open to see the wonders of His intervention.

Oh by the way, we have a new CG name... we are called the "N.U.@.H" CG.
'N' stands for Nurture our CG members
'U' stands for United in the CG
'@' stands for @difying one another
'H' stands for Honor God which is the pillar for us to Nurture, Unite and @dify one another. We will do all the three because we want to Honor God.

July 09, 2003

... my heart craves for a ride... speed to some where rent a boat and sail to any no man's island to be embrace by the breeze. There after, sit by the beach reflecting on my life. Staring at God's wonderful creation.

Away from the distraction of city life, away from people, away from everything...

My emotional is goin through another round of roller coaster... why am I feeling this? I know the answer to my own question... it's just that I can't do what my heart desires to... I can choose the easy way out. However, I still believe in not running away from the reality. I want to face it, I want to stand tall after it... with the help of the Lord, of coz.

The heart is deceitful above all things
and beyond cure.
Who can understand it?
- Jeremiah 17:9

Thankfully, God is here to hear my woes. With all these emotional roller coaster... I grew to be more dependent on Him. I just hope and pray that I will do the Lord's will. Just like the prophet Jeremiah says.

"But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD ,
whose confidence is in him.
He will be like a tree planted by the water
that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit."
- Jeremiah 17:7-8

I want to be the tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream... drawing its source of comfort, peace and strength...

July 07, 2003

Added link... it's my Covenant Group website.... Click here

July 06, 2003

... Came back from the Streetwise Run at Sentosa. Thanks Rebecca for inviting me to the run. I was joined with fellow christian brothers and sisters like Tim, Ian, Chong Wee, Joy, Zhiyin and Rebecca. We didn't participate on the 10.5km competitive run. We ran the 5.5km community run.

For someone who had stopped running for 1 and half year, it's a achievement. Even since I started working I had not put running or jogging as part of my exercise schedule.

My stamina had dropped tremendously bad. 2 years ago, running was nothing to me... having clocked 9:21 for IPPT achieving gold standard. 2 years later, I doubt I can even clocked 12:40 the minimum for bronze standard.

All the eating of supper, feast to one self delight... gaining the spare tyre. Don't do go for me... hee.

Reflecting on this, it's the same for my spiritual life. If I don't take time to exercise my spiritual body. I will not be able to endure the future demanding hardship. Hence, I will continue to take time to pray, do my Quiet Time, do my Bible Study etc. to exercise my spiritual body.

Seriously, I ought to take time to plan in my running/jogging schedule into my routine. At least twice a week. If not, for the coming IPPT in Nov... I will be failing the test. Haiz.