November 16, 2003
... for the past few mths... raymond went to the roller coaster of life... his life went for a ride which he totally felt so terribly difficult to handle... workload had been more and more... everything is thrown to him... company policies kept changing... frustrated he may be... but there isn't anything he could do abt it. Work is not be appreciated...
He really questioned his calling to the market place. His passion is still teaching... now there is opening... he is still deciding and thinking abt it.
Going thru ups and downs in life izzit what he desire... causing him to go in and out of depression. Many things, he asked to Lord... to help him. Yes... everything He came and rescued him in a special way... if God will to give him a special human touch... everything will be completed.
He is seriously thinking of quitting his current job and seek greener pasture which he can focus on ministry and work with pleasures...
I need a clear sign... give me a clear sign Lord...
July 12, 2003
... Yesterday's CG was alittle different from the norm. Joshua led in a time charade. Everyone of us took turns to act out a character from the bible. I happened to take the more difficult ones.
Acting out the character Jocab was easy. Tried throwing some punches here and there... but it looked more like boxing than wrestling. Roped in Joshua to act a scene of wrestling. Johnny and Jasmina could not give the correct. We decided to drop bigger hints like a whole nation was named after him, his hip bone was been touch by the angel of the Lord etc. They still couldn't give the correct answer.
We decided to reveal the answer.
"It's was Jocab!"
After some much fun and laughters, Joshua commented that we were still very lacking in our bible knowledge. He did it in a manner of encouragement and not putting down those who were not so knowledgable. He reminded us that we need to read the bible more often. I was encouraged by the way he inspired the rest of us to get back to God's word instead of putting us down.
The time of worship was led by Jasmina... though we could not sing the last song well... I believed the Lord was pleased. It was how good we can sing individually or how well we can sing in unison... Worship was never about us. It is about God and God alone. Indeed, the Lord God Almighty is worthy of our praise.
Joshua took the rest of the time to share his heart for the CG in the coming months. He wants us to focus on being more sensitive to the Lord's prompting. Hence, the theme for the upcoming months was "Find the Father's heart".
He hoped that we will spend more time to seek the Lord through prayer. I was tasked to embark on the 1st session which is the upcoming week CG.
It's a new beginning, a new journey for Lighthouse 1...
My personal prayer is our heart be conditioned to be align to God's hearthear, Ears to in tune to hear God's gentle whisper and eyes to open to see the wonders of His intervention.
Oh by the way, we have a new CG name... we are called the "N.U.@.H" CG.
'N' stands for Nurture our CG members
'U' stands for United in the CG
'@' stands for @difying one another
'H' stands for Honor God which is the pillar for us to Nurture, Unite and @dify one another. We will do all the three because we want to Honor God.
July 09, 2003
... my heart craves for a ride... speed to some where rent a boat and sail to any no man's island to be embrace by the breeze. There after, sit by the beach reflecting on my life. Staring at God's wonderful creation.
Away from the distraction of city life, away from people, away from everything...
My emotional is goin through another round of roller coaster... why am I feeling this? I know the answer to my own question... it's just that I can't do what my heart desires to... I can choose the easy way out. However, I still believe in not running away from the reality. I want to face it, I want to stand tall after it... with the help of the Lord, of coz.
The heart is deceitful above all things
and beyond cure.
Who can understand it? - Jeremiah 17:9
Thankfully, God is here to hear my woes. With all these emotional roller coaster... I grew to be more dependent on Him. I just hope and pray that I will do the Lord's will. Just like the prophet Jeremiah says.
"But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD ,
whose confidence is in him.
He will be like a tree planted by the water
that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit." - Jeremiah 17:7-8
I want to be the tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream... drawing its source of comfort, peace and strength...
July 07, 2003
July 06, 2003
... Came back from the Streetwise Run at Sentosa. Thanks Rebecca for inviting me to the run. I was joined with fellow christian brothers and sisters like Tim, Ian, Chong Wee, Joy, Zhiyin and Rebecca. We didn't participate on the 10.5km competitive run. We ran the 5.5km community run.
For someone who had stopped running for 1 and half year, it's a achievement. Even since I started working I had not put running or jogging as part of my exercise schedule.
My stamina had dropped tremendously bad. 2 years ago, running was nothing to me... having clocked 9:21 for IPPT achieving gold standard. 2 years later, I doubt I can even clocked 12:40 the minimum for bronze standard.
All the eating of supper, feast to one self delight... gaining the spare tyre. Don't do go for me... hee.
Reflecting on this, it's the same for my spiritual life. If I don't take time to exercise my spiritual body. I will not be able to endure the future demanding hardship. Hence, I will continue to take time to pray, do my Quiet Time, do my Bible Study etc. to exercise my spiritual body.
Seriously, I ought to take time to plan in my running/jogging schedule into my routine. At least twice a week. If not, for the coming IPPT in Nov... I will be failing the test. Haiz.
July 04, 2003
... woke up and felt dizzy. Did my mundance things in the morning... brushin, washin and visitin the toilet... It's Sat.
Turn on my computer, and received news of someone death died in his workplace. A cloud of sadness hanged over my head. He also mentioned that the person died at 9am earlier this morning. Reflecting on this and realised that I was so priviledge to be alive to grumble on my mundance life while somewhere in S'pore... a life was left without having the strength to breathe anymore.
I prayed a short prayer for the decreased family members. Asking God to comfort and restore the family. Prayed that there will be people there to comfort them finanically, emotionally and spiritually. This is the least I can do for them.
Comfort them Lord!
I'm still very sad and burdened to read an email last night. I felt disturbed and troubled. My heart ached for the person. Moreso, because I can't do anything to change the situation around. It's beyond me. It's not my duty to change it. I shouldn't be in the picture at all. God should be the One who will comfort and guide in the person's journey.
I will just leave it as it is... minding my own business... though it's not my style. I'm not God.
Pardon my mindless... rattling in a early sat morning...
Hmm... looking at the bright side, I am going to Raffles Hotel Jubilee Hall for a Musical play later.
Going to cut my unkempt and horribly long hair.
Short and neat is still the best for me.
Blessed weekend!
June 29, 2003
... First and foremost, all praise and appluase to my one and only God. I can't believed that it had just ended. All the hard work accomplished over the two services. However, I totally must agree that it was worth it.
The whole two services were more than SUPERB. The dancers danced with so much energy. The singers sung with their hearts out. The worship team played tremendously well. The ushers were warm and welcoming, so much hospitality were exhibated. The logistics team, the hospitality team... and there were so many other people who had contributed so much into today's event.
This can only be done when God united and kindled our hearts together to execute such a big event.
God be the glory~! Amen~!
The 1st service was already pretty packed... which to me it was kinda of surprising coz normally there will be still a few section of the sanctuary not occupy. The 2nd service was even more amazing. The whole sanctury was packed till the people from the Young People's Ministry(YPM) need to give up their seats to the adult. Praise God... that could mean there are people whom we invited in the streets or the friends we invited came.
"O, What A Catch!"
The speaker for today's sermon was Pastor David Leong from the Scripture Union. He used John 21:1-22 to talk about the disciples encounter with the Lord Jesus.
After Jesus resurrention, he appeared to His disciples a 2nd time... to remain them that they need to fish on the correct side... not so much as in literal sense but a spiritual sense. They need to catch Men instead of fishes. In other words, catch the vision of the Lord's heartbeat. Disicple-making.
Though, today is a youth sun... the sermon I felt was not targeted to the youth only... it was for the adult as well. As much as we need to catch the vision of disciple-making. We need mentors which this the adults to help us with the monitor our progession and encourage on the vision.
In order for us to maintain the vision. We need to:
- Fall deeply in love with Jesus to know his heartbeat for the lost.
- Feed His lambs/take care of His sheep. What better way to really serve, is to minister to the lost and the believers.
- Follow Jesus all the way. Indeed I like what Pastor David mention. We, the YPM should not treat Pastor Swee Boo, Matt and Looyi as God, the Father, Son and Spirit. It will be a grave mistake to look at men. Man will fail and disappoint but God will not. They are there help, encourage and inspired. not there to give us eternal life. Only God has the power to do that.
David gave a altar call for both the pre-believers and christians who want to surrender or rededicate their lives back to Jesus. There were quite a no of ladies who stood up. Praise God for these people. I pray and hope that their encounter wil not just stop in the sanctury today but a beginning in to their daily walk with the Lord... that it will be a daily encounter with the Lord Jesus.
I'm Dying
After the service, we break for lunch and headed to Singapore Polytechnic for a games day. Had fewa good games of frisbee with Kel Tan, Kel Choo, Willie, Ian, Ronald, Ben, two other guys and myself. I was totally wrapped out.
Moments after the games, my brain started to go dead, my whole body began to grow weak. I couldn't concentrate... everything around me began spinning. Felt dizzy. Went to the toilet to throw out... I think I practically threw out my entire lunch... went up the audience stand to rest... still not okie. Felt terrible. My guess was that I dun have enough rest the night before at Tim's place. Slept at 2am. I had to admit I'm no longer young liao. Got to take good care of my physical body. Must start planning a exercise program for either running or swimming. To work out my heart and bulid my stamina...
Thanked God for Kel Choo who was senstive enough to ask about my condition. Advised me to drink some sugared water to replenished my lost energy. Took a few slips, felt slightly better. Took some rest... then the headache came back again. Excruciating pain encamped me. I felt like dying...
He suggested I join them for dinner even though I coudn't eat with such condition so that I could recover in time to ride my bike. It was too dangerous to ride. Hopped into his car...
As they ordered their food, I sat there with my cup of 100plus. Glutted down one can and stoned there. While Kel Choo ordered another can for me. Glutted down after I was slightly better. Rest some more... When the whole gang finished their dinner. Someone in the table prayed for me while the rest bow in prayer... wait I started to recall. Josh and Johnny prayed for me. Kel and Johnny laid their hands on me while Josh prayed aloud.
Kel, Zhen Yang and I parted with the rest of the people after the prayer. My headache was gone, I felt almost completely healed. I was praising God as I made my way to Kel's car. He drove me back to my bike which was parked at SP. He was cared enough to say that he will escort me from behind...
I lost them along the way when there was a red traffic light which cut us... I smsed them including those seated at the table that I was safe and sound. Praise God for sustaining my life.
It made me realised that my life is just vulnerable without God. I can just die if God will stop my breath for a few mins. Then I will start to be brain dead and die. Praise God my creator who loves me enough to allow me to breathe. Amen~!
My life is His... and His alone.
"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." - Gal 2:20
June 27, 2003
Praise and Pray
... Oops it's already 12plus so can't say it's tonite's Praise and Pray was excellent. The focus was the Youth Sunday.
Thankful I was able to finish up my work for yesterday. Rush to church from work... though I was tired, I still wanted to go down to be recharged and refreshed.
Decided to go to Greenridge to have a quick dinner. Saw the rest of the lighthse and livingstone CG so joined in to their table. Grabbed my economical rice and ate.
Left briefly so that I could prepare my heart to worship the Lord in the sanctuary... Pastor Fabian led in the worship, my heart was kinda of not right to worship the Lord. Thankfully, Pastor KK started a
session of prayer to prepare our hearts to worship the Lord. Prayed together with Ben. My spirit was better after that prayer session.
After which Pastor KK asked the congregation to pray for the youths in the sanctuary. We left for a briefing before departing to do prayer walk. Barnabas, Ruihao and Huiqi shared of their burden for the people out there... Praise God for their hearts. Although their sharing were different but common thing was they want people to come to know the Lord.
Looiyi gave us a short briefing and requested us to pair up in groups of four. Two brothers and two sisters. Wise choice. In this way, we can talk to anyone... if there are guys, as brothers we can help to advertise the Catch, if gals, the sisters can take over. Zhen yang, Shuping and another sister who I didn't bother to find out her name were in the same group as I was.
Along the way, there were people who rejected us flatly. There were those we were quite okie about it. Yes, there were discouragements... it just made my heart aches to see them rejected to have a chance to get to know God a step closer... They were not rejecting us but they were rejecting God instead. We prayed for them... that God will bring other people to come into their lives in the future to minister to them.
I remembered I did not come to know the Lord straight away... but it's those faithful ones who ministered to me one way or another that I am who I am now.
When we were about to return to church , we met an elderly lady in her 80s. She was having difficulties getting down from the escalator. Zhen Yang helped her down while I helped her with her groceries... she began to relate her life to us. Interestingly, the rest of the group wasn't able to speak well hokkien... so I was left to interact with her more... Shuping was there to communicate to her to make her more at ease.
She kept saying it's her good fortunate that she bumped into us. We knew it's we divine appointment from God. Shuping and I was trying to relate that it was God's blessing bestow upon her. Tried inviting her to our Hokkien service. Was kinda of difficult b'coz she was hard of hearing... hence we repeated a few times... Nevertheless, the message was brought across. Hopeful and prayerful she would come to the service. Accompanied back to her doorstep. Her son wasn't very pleasant to see strangers like us accompanied his mum back.
Yet, he continued to thank us... and closed the door behind us. I was troubled by the son's reaction... will I do that when my parents are old and slow.... I questioned myself. I prayed that I will not be like that when my parents grew old and slow.
Zhen Yang led a short prayer for this granny as we walked. I echoed his prayer. We headed back to church. The rest of the groups had already gathered back. Looiyi was asking for any testimony to be shared. Zhen Yang took the initiative to share about our group's encounter with the elderly lady. I believed it as a blessing to the rest of my brothers and sisters. Looiyi shared that the harvest was not only for the youth... although our focus was the youth last nite. I could agree more... the Father's heart is burden of all His creation... young, old, healthy, sick, rich or poor they are all precious in my Father's eyes.
Ended the night with Zhen Yang, Royston, Alvin and Looiyi saying the concluding prayer...
Youth Sunday... I'm excited, so are those people who had been praying hard for it.
Catch the soul, the vision and the fire. Come join us... and be blessed
June 26, 2003
Day Two of Retreat - Part 1
Did Quiet Time on Romans 8:1-17. I was rather an interesting passage... but did dwell very much into the passage. My mind was half here, half somewhere else.
Breakfast was great. Had a packet of fried mee hoon and another packet of fried mee. I'm a pig. Ate the entire two packet by myself. Lol.
Roy came timely for his message on F.A.I.T.H. Roy was my spiritual mentor when I was in Singapore Polytechnic. He is a insightful, wisdom and humble man of God. The few Man to man sessions helped me through some of my difficult issues in my life.
F - aithful
A - vailable
I - nitiative
T - eachable
H - umble
That was the break out of his message. He started off with the last alphabet.
Humbility is seeing ourselves as who we are... not more, not less.
Humbility needs to be cultivated and protected.
God loves the humble
A continous eagerness to learn and to be taught
We stopped being teachable when we think that we had known everything.
We need to constantly desire to learn to keep in step with the Father.
We can learn from everyone, young or old.
Jesus took the initiative in many of the passage in Matthew, Mark, Luke & John. Eg. Feeding the thousands, calming the storm, washing his disciples feet etc...
We don't take the initiative b'coz it is unimportant.
Thus, we need to be initiative.... to complete the Lord's task
We can be available for the wrong reasons.
Sometimes, be are available to ministry b'coz we want to run away fromour home.
Sometimes been available means to stay in the ministry too.
Be available even it is boring, mundance etc.
Do things well, not for the things that can be seen but not seen.
"Our goal in life is to please HIM whether visuable or invisuable."
Lastly, Faithfulness & Humbility are the two pillars while Availability, Initiative and Teachablity are the application of Faithfulness & Humbility.
To be continued...
June 24, 2003
... back from the retreat yesterday. It was both enriching and tiring experience. Little sleep, lots of talking and seeking after the Lord. The four days, three nights went past with a blink of an eye.
Day One of Retreat
Before the whole retreat had started, I had already experience the Lord's blessing. I was having doubts on whether I would be able to make it since my leave was pending on the actual day. I was praying madly for the Lord to create a miracle to allow me be there without having to worry about my work.
Praise God! My leave was signed in the morning and thus I was able be on leave after 12pm.
My heart skipped a beat for that. I tried to clear as much work as I could.
Packed my stuff and cleared my table. Print out some notes for the recreation. Went over to Marine Burger King, had this new burger which was launched. Grabbed a quick bite before sped down to Navigators building.
Quite a no. of teens and labourers had arrived. Greeting them before settled down and changed to my sports wear. Shortly, they were getting ready to clean up the place while Hungkiat and I retreated to one corner to go through our recreation. Checking the procedure and the logistics need for each games that we played.
After Kia Yuan finished his briefing, we started our indoor recreation. Had quite abit of hard time trying to get these people to settle down. I wasn't in the mood to try to catch their attention. My engine was still running cold... I guessed I was still trying to put off the hectic week at work. Nevertheless, thanked God they were able to settle down after much prompting.
Started out first game, 'Scissors, paper, talcum powder'. The game was played in a such a way when the loser would get a stroke of talcum powder drawn on his/her face. The game were played for 3rounds, 10mins each.
Everyone was having lotsa of fun in this game. Many of their faces were painted white. Carried on with some other more games... Ended the last game with everyone trying to have the most cloth packs on his/her body. I was impressed by Jas that she could put so many of them on her face and not feel any pain. I was the last to played... couldn't put much on my arms... I should have tried put the on my tummy, I could have a better chance of winning.
After washed up, when everyone was thinking that the speaker, Tah Chong would start with the topic of Vision of Disciple-Making. Kingmum told the teens that they would having TMS(Topical Memory System) Quiz. Everyone was booing.. that don't play this kind of practical joke. It was scheduled in the program sheet.
Hee, it was part of our planning to include TMS Quiz anytime of the retreat. Most of them were taking aback but they did their best for it.
How I wish, I could participate in the TMS. It was my motivation every time, I go to camp... it's was a highlight for me in the camp. However, over the years there wasn't chance for me to challenge with anyone over 60verses... most of the time, the quiz only stopped till 30verses. In order to encourage the younger ones to participate. Now, I'm a labourer, there wasn't much chances to compete with anyone anymore.
15mins after the unprompted TMS Quiz, TC began his message.
What is vision of disciple-making?
"A clear mental image of a preferable future imprinted by God to His servants and is based upon an accurate understanding of God, self and circumstance."
It's investing your life in the life of another, with the aim of helping him/her to grow and mature as a fruitful life.
Matthew 4:19 - "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."
However, there are cataracts in disciple-making if we don't deal with them properly.
1) Shallow conversion
2) Faulty discipleship
3) Making poor transitions of new phases of life
4) Overcome by the cares of this world
5) Lacking God's wisdom
The ending note... "Start Investing Your Life today..."
Had a 15mins short prayer for the various aspects of the camp.
The last program for the night was conducted by Chris Lian, Serendipity. An interesting time of making the various group(F.A.I.T.H) to promote their team to apply for a job from the Navigators. It was a wonderful time.. The night were on a higher note when Kenneth make a presentation on behalf of the labourers. I almost fell from the chair with him making such presentation... eg. our combined prayer hours was something x 10 to the power of 53 hrs. We fed 1000 people blah blah. All these chaps. It was a hilarious.Only he could have such an ability to make the whole session a laughter-filled time.
Finally, it was time for wash up... Day one of the retreat was over...
To be continued...
June 19, 2003
... Praise the Lord! I was able to obtain 1and 1/2 leave for the oncoming retreat. Was kinda of paranoid that there was last minute issues that need to be resolved. I was kinda of upset thtat it had disrupted my initial plan. Prayed like mad that it's really God's will that He was able to straighten my path so that I can go to the retreat without thinking of work at the back of my mind... My prayers were answered yestersday and today. The issue was solved yesterday and my leave was approved this morning.
Thank God for answering the prayers of your lowly servant.
I will be off after 12pm to the retreat... and I foresee a extremely lengthy blog when I return. In meantime, have a blessed weekends!!! God blessed.
June 18, 2003
Tuesday - 17/06
...Was out eating sushi on Tues with a group of unplanned group... consisting of Tim, Wern, Jason, Joshua, Sin Fee, Galv, Kel Tan, Mich, Dorothy, Joy, Eve and not forgetting myself... what a group. Had not been out with such a big group since I left poly. We were at Suki Sushi in Lot 1.
I discovered that everytime, I meet some of these people in the west... I will always have to run from West Mall to Lot 1. The last two times, I was at Lot 1 cinema while the rest is in West Mall, This time round I was at West Mall when they were at Lot 1. Goodness, it's like playing hide and seek... F...u...n...n...y...~!
The sushi was good... but wasn't the best coming from the mouth of someone who had been to Japan. Well, I just contented with whatever they had. "I eat to live and live to eat"... hee.
Sitting with Galv, Kel Tan, Sin Fee, Eve and Wern proved to be hilarious... Galv was commented that why did Wern to bring so many under... Beep. when there should be some sets at his hometown. The word 'sets' sparked of many laughters. We were teasing Galv over it. Din know under...Beep comes in sets... You mean there are sets of Mon, Tues, Wed blah blah... Lol. Been the only lady in the table, Eve was been bombarded by our censored language... Goodness...
Proceeded to Gelare for our little dessert, waffles with a scoope of ice-cream. Treated Galv and Dorothy to a plate, another plate was shared among 4 of them while Tim and I shared.
Sitting in between Joy and Tim proved to be another entertaining affair with Tim suaning Joy mercilessly while I added some spices to favor the suaning... I'm evil. Leaving Joy vexed... Oopz... I'm just too 'encouraging' liao. Gonna stop. Building my ego at the expenses of her... Okie, gonna find something encouraging to encourage her.
Parted with the group and headed home alone, when I received a sms from Mich saying that she had a wonderful and enjoyable dinner. More so b'coz it was a impromptu one. Couldn't agree more...
Wednesday - 18/06
... Watched 'Finding Nemo' yesterday with some of the group, I met the day before. Met up early for dinner prior to the show. Had this so called Lasi Lemak dinner set which I never failed to eat whenever I am in P.S.
'Finding Nemo' was a well reviewed movie and it had. Actually, I realised that it was more of a father and son animation. And Father's day was 4 days back... I'm sure those fathers who had watched the show with their sons on Father's day would have find the show meaningful. Nevertheless, it prompted me to think about my relationship with my own dad. Yes, my dad is not perfect. He, too have his shortcoming. However, I still want to model his life... Over the years, my relationship with him grew not b'coz of my own effort rather it was God's intervention. I believed that was one of the greatest blessing my Heavenly father had bestowed upon my life. Dad, I love you. God loves you even more~!
"'Finding...Nemo...'" trying to speak like a whale. Those who had watched the show will understand this last sentense. *Laughing hysterically*
June 16, 2003
June 13, 2003
... One hour to go before my weekdays come to an end and my weekends begin. Got meetin later on till 9pm then I need to rush home and do some quick packing before hitting ECP for the overnight cycling. Hmm... still need to repair my bike for awhile. Wah rao... it's a mad rush. Lord, give me strenght and stamina for the whole day...
Gonna bring my digi camera to snaps... *Yawns* I'm tired... Don't care... die die also must endure... hee.
Have a blessed weekend people~!
June 11, 2003
... Gone out with her to have dinner before I shop for some Father's day gift while she looked around for the little bag which she can put her bible, handphone, purse, keys etc...
Supposed to eat at the famous 'You Chi' noodle advertised by City Beat. Walked around to didn't find it. Decided to settle for some duck rice, when I mentioned that she might be able find some nice and chic bag in Beach Road market. Then I further added she can also eat her favourite peanut soup(AhBoLing). Saw her eyes sparkled. Asked her whether she wanted to eat at Bugis Street, declined my question and said that she would eat at Beach Road market since she wasn't hungry.
Hmm... I decided to give my dinner amiss at Bugis Street. She was dumbfounded. Assured her it's okie, since she will own me a meal at Bugis Street(I presumed it myself).
Left for Bugis Junction to look for my dad's gift, a Polo T. Found none. Either the colour was not right or the design was ugly.
Took the MRT to Lavendar, had a good time suaning her... hee. Actually, we weren't sure the stall would still be open at that hour, 8plus.
I took a peek over the stall... YES! It's still open for business. Thank God~! We didn't go there for nothing.
Her eyes sparkled again. Hmm... she has nice pair of eyes though not those big big eyes which can melt the hearts of many men. I think she still can melt some hearts out there. They didn't melt my heart... I just noticed them. I guess it's my instinct to observe people. Anyway, I do hope and pray that she will find that someone special who will love and appreciate her.
Order two bowls of the peanut soup and a plate of Char Siew Rice for myself. Goodness I had not been eating char siew rice for ages. Slurp... *Burp* Excuse me for my rudeness.
Both the Char Siew Rice and Peanut soup were good. I'm satisfied. Rubbing my tummy... Hee.
Walked up to the Army market to search for some bags which would catch her eyes but found none. I realised that the whole army market look much more cleanier and neatier. It is now well lightened.
Sent her home afterward. Hmm... I'm still short of a gift for my dad. I guess I will treat him to a nice dinner on Sunday itself. Thank God for Father's Day~!
June 10, 2003
...Praise the Lord! I am a qualified Class 2A rider now. After a long wait of 2 years, I finally obtain my Class 2A licence.
Was so anxious the whole morning for the test. Take the map of the test route and prayed for each and every stations that I would be tested. Praise the Lord for answering my prayers.
Not only a joy, it was a joy mulitplied by 3times. Firstly, I passed my Class 2A. Secondly, today is my last day to renew my licence before it expires. Finally, my Class 2A student booklet also needed to be renewed. Hence, by passing today's test. I saved up $25 for addition Class if I would to pass another time. Another $20 for the renewal of student booklet. And yet another $90 for two more practises and Traffic Police test. A total of $135 saved. I can used this amount of money for other good used like funding some of friends in the Christian full time ministry, used then to buy something which I always wanted to buy but don't dare to buy.
The Lord tremendously good to Raymond especially today. Well, He is still good to me everyday, but especially today!!!
I'm just a step closer to my 2A dream bike, Super Four, Spec II. Lalalala.... lalala... On cloud nine now.
June 05, 2003
...Was feeling bored yesterday. Finished my pile of work in the morning, leaving the rest of the afternoon stoning away. Felt not a good steward of time, print out James 5 and did 6 verses of bible study on that chapter. Trying hard to observe as many things as possible in the 6 verses. After 1 and 1/2, my brain went on "a break strike". It refused to think anymore...
...4plus. Wondering what I will be doing later. "Nothing"... hmm, the word nothing sounded boring. Took my trusty Nokia 6150 and started smsing. PW wasn't free to jio people out. Went out with LW yesterday, suppose to watch Bruce Almighty but the 7plus show in Cathy Cineleisure and Golden Village PS were sold out. Don't think I will ask him out again. Fixed an appointment with him to watch next week.
...Scrolling down my phone list. Stopped at Mich. Hmm... maybe she was with Tim and Co. Smsed her and got back a message saying she was having tuition later on. Asked me to sms Joy, she was with Tim and Co. Smsed Joy and asked her about her plans later on in the evening.
She had no plans and don't mind coming down to town to accompany me for dinner.
"HUH!?!?" my brain exclaimed.
Called her back to confirm her decision.
... Meet her at Bodyshop in Raffles shopping center. We proceed to Magic Wok at Capitol. Bumped into Hongsi but she didn't see me saying hello to her. My stomach urged me to fill him up first. Halfway, Joy and I saw this gigantic structure for some art festival thing. Peek over at the booth to find out what was it all about. A sweet and nice lady approached us and explained about it.
A 4 minutes show in a rotating platform.
Had our temperature taken and waited at the designated queue. Went in the structure after few minutes. We were asked to removed our footwear and stepped into this circular platform along with several people present. One of the guys in charge told us to lie flat on our backs and looked at the ceiling where the show will be projected on.
He briefed us that if anyone of us felt giddy or wanted to vomit. Shout the word "Hamburger". Huh, what a weird word to shout instead of the usual. "Stop"
If I wanted to vomit I would puke at Joy... ha ha ha.
The show started and ended in 4 mins just like what the lady said. Was quite an experience though I could really catch what the narrator was saying except the last few words. "Boring, boring, boring..."
Dropped my comments and left for Magic Wok.
Had my Thai Fried Vermicelli. I still couldn't pronounce the word. "Vermicelli". Ver-mic-el-li, ver-mi-cel-li, ver-mi-whatever. Haiz.
Joy decided to go back to Suntec and shop for Father's Day present. Oh no~! I going to walk back to my workplace. Well~!
Took the pathway from Citylink. Went in Happy House and looked at the Pig which Dorothy had. The pig was indeed CUTE~!
Dorothy is so blessed to have the pig in small, medium and large size.
We entered another shop,
Along the way, she kept insisting I had an ugly blue checked shirt. The checked shirt which I wore every monday... b'coz of Monday blues. Too bad my ego is too big to be affected by her comment. I still think that the checked shirt is still ok.
Moved down to the fountain foodcourt area...
"NYDC, NYDC cheesecake... Someone own me a NYDC cheesecake...", I exclaimed. Just like a little boy wanting candy from his parents minus the wailing part. Hee.
Anyway, Joy didn't treat me any cheesecake at all. I treated her Yumi Yogurt instead.
Hey, I realised that quite a no of people I know got special treatment from me. It's more bless to give then receive. I guess I enjoyed treating people when I have the cash. Especially when it's near payday.
Joy visited Ashworth and saw a nice and good quality Polo T for her dad. Well, good quality and branded stuff comes with a price. It's $62.
Thinking of getting one for my dad too, but not Ashworth. There are other brands which have equally good quality Polo T like Crocodile.
Joy suggested heading to Esplande Roof garden. Took some pictures there...
Picture taken at Esplande roof garden
Picture taken with Joy...
Enjoyed the sea breeze there. Shared about some issues in life before she surprised me with another suggestion.
"How long will it take you to go home?", she asked.
"Huh? 30mins...", I answered.
"Your bike is at home?", she asked again.
"Yeah...", I replied.
"Can I take a ride?", she asked shyly(I think)
"... ... let's go...", quite dumbfounded.
So far, no gal had surprised me with such sudden suggestion. She was one of the rare find. What an interesting sister in Christ.
Reached home around 40mins.
Asked her to wait for me while I changed into my comfy clothes.
Grap my extra helmet and walked down to meet her.
Loosen my bike chain before ferry her home. I was travelling at 80~90km/h because of safety reason.
Managed to arrive at her block before 1120pm. And the mishap happened. She got off from the wrong side of the bike. She got scalded by the engine exhaust. I felt remorsed by that although it only a small burn.
Bidded her good night as I speed home. Enjoyed the wind blowing across my face.
Arrived home at about 1135pm.
Smsed Joy that I reached home and asked her to take care.
My boring evening turned out pretty interesting. Thanks to this wonderful sister in Christ. Prayed that the burn will heal fast. If not I will felt so bad for causing it...
It's friday liao... Have a blessed weekend, everyone!
June 03, 2003
... went out for dinner with dad. Had a wonderful time chatting with him along the way to the coffeeshop. Listening to him telling me his day. Praise God for my dad! Who take time off his busy schedule just to eat with me. Wait! I'm actually accompanying him for his late dinner. Ha ha ha... anyway, My dad is a good father though imperfect. He is still my father.
May 31, 2003
... have not been speeding for awhile now. Just speeded. Enjoyed the ride from SLE to TPE. Speeding at 100~110km/h. The feeling of freedom... felt good... Thank God I din go beyond 110km/h though I'm tempted to. I still treasure my life. I'll will speed when I am feeling down or go to the seaside to let the breeze blow across my face.
Ecclesiastes 1:2
2 "Meaningless! Meaningless!"
says the Teacher.
"Utterly meaningless!
Everything is meaningless."
Life is meaningless. Life will be meaningless without God...
May 30, 2003
May 26, 2003
Just finished reading Tanya's lastest blog... she is indeed wonderful sister in Christ whom I respect and appreciate. Her outlook of life really encourage me. She doesn't want to be redetermined by the world's views and influences. Choosing to please God in whatever she is doing.
Tanya you have my respect!
Went to Wern's Condo last for a simple BBQ. The chicken wings, hotdogs, pork chops, mussels were all so delicious. All thanks to our chief chef, Tim.
The 2 bottles of white wine was good too... thks to Mark and Wern. Thanks brothers!
Group shot
Sambal prawns
The Chef
Pic with me inside...
The beauties
May 23, 2003
May 20, 2003
... the Batam trip was wonderful, relaxing and refreshing... how I wish I stayed for another day...
Thank God for the group of I been with. Without them the whole trip would not be so fun at all. Most of all I want to thank sister Gracia for taking so much effort in organizing the whole event even though she was sick. Actually wanna praise God giving her another morning sickness... which means she is expecting. Her 2nd children. Praise God!
Work had piled up again was so busy the whole day on Mon and today... Endless amount of inquiries.
I want to go back to my Batam trip... to take life easy.
Snaps added!
May 15, 2003
... Goin for my practical later Motorbike 2A... then collect satay and o-tak for tonite's bbq.
Need to at Lynn's place early to marinate the chicken wings...
Then bbqing them... goin to enjoy myself bbqing them... dun really enjoy eat bbq food but enjoy bbq them... hee.
Tomolo will be off to Batam to chill out... free flow of alcohol, food, fun... but I'll used this time to relax and be drunk in the goodness of God.
If the place is good... I will organise a trip again in the month of June for my friends who are goin to Uni this coming July so that they can chill out before heading to their new phase of life... Uni Life.
Cya people going to take lotsa of picture today and tomorrow!!!
Have a blessed weekend ahead!!!
May 11, 2003
2wks had passed since the No-Kia factor.
Had the opportunity to meet up with Wee Leong for Man2Man last Thursday. He went through a primary role. A rather interesting and helpful test for me to have a better understanding of my primary role. What are my keys roles which I am stronger in.
Hence, I can used it for my ITE ministry. Praise God for providing such a single-minded and specialized Man2Man leader. I had benefited much from the test.
How God answered our prayers
Another thanksgiving, Wee Leong had shared was about our target to form 4 ITE teams for the No-Kia Factor. It reminded me that when our ITE Discipleship Team wanted to entrust that God will provide us 4 Teams from the ITE to the No-Kia Factor.
By the grace of God, we did have 4 Teams from the ITE. He provided 2 teams from our invitation through one of the E1 outreach. While the other two teams was through sister Serene and Tze Ting. Praise the Lord for using these two sisters in reaching out to these friends. Furthermore, the 4 teams formed mainly were from ITE Bishan. We didn't purposely plan it. Another thanksgiving item.
Currently, we had sorted them to their teams. Planning some outing so that we can establish further friendship. Hopeful in the near future, God will touch their hearts and they make their own decision to come to the Lord.
Wee Leong had entrusted the planning to me. Hopeful with the Lord's strength and grace I can do it.
Need to be Away
I will be looking forward to my short trip to Batam this coming week. Wanted a time of solitary away from the usual people whom I meet. Need to seek God for some major decisions in my life. My direction for the next 6mths, my walk with the Lord, relationship issue... etc.
Though I'll away, my heart will still be near to those whom are close to my heart. I will take this time to pray for some of them.
Hopeful, when I come back... I will be as radiant as Moses when he came down from the mountain after his encounter with God Almighty.
Please pray that:
1) My time with the Lord will be a fruitful one.
2) I will not be distracted by all the seasports activities provided. I enjoy such these kind
of activities. They will not take away my attention with the Lord.
3) I will fall in love with the Lord again and again.
Thanks people.
A bit brain dead. Lack of sleep or else... it will be another 5page email... ha ha ha.
Have a blessed wk ahead people!
May 03, 2003
The past one week had been overwhelming... tired. Almost burnt out.
However, it was fulfilling.
Should No-Kia Factor carry on or postpone
4mths of planning for the No-Kia Factor. It was actually an evangelistic event for Good Friday but was postponed till 1st of May.
During our final meeting, the whole program team was still contemplating whether we should further postponed the event when the SARS thing is still lingering. We came up with the pros and cons of having it on 1st of May.
Finally decided to postpone it to a later date... but we needed to propose it to the leadership. Personally, I wasn't sure either to continue or postpone. However, I will be there to support either way.
After much praying and seeking with the Lord... Robert represent the leadership that we would continue with the event. He shared during in the prayer retreat abt the No-Kia Factor... what is the that. We were not to be fearful. However, from the leadership team to the program team... we were all kia. Kia of the rain would come, kia that the students would catch the SARS bugs... kia this, kia that... everything was abt kia. Izzit the event called No-Kia(Dun be afraid). How ironic.
He mentioned that never in the last four years was he so burdened abt an evangelistic event. This one caused so much unrest. Later on, he mentioned God gave him a quiet assurance that He is going do a great work in the event.
Two days before the actual event, Robert used the sharing from Andrew during the prayer retreat. The verses shared to Robert was in Eph 6:10-20. Concentrate on verses 19 and 20.
The Armor of God
10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.
19Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.
The word fearlessly appeared twice! God had spoken and it doubled confirmed that the gospel must be preached. No-Kia Factor was event whereby gospel will be preached. No-Kia Factor must not postpone. Praise God for that.
The night before No-Kia
The program team decided to meet up to do the last min logistic and some prayer.
We took the opportunity to send off tingling at the airport before heading back to Nav apartment to do the stuff.
I came back to the apartment earlier coz I was drenched. While the rest went to get supper.
That night, I was rather tired and stressed though it was displayed on my face. Thanked the Lord for providing sister Michelle to pray for me over the phone. Her prayers lifted me up both physically and spiritual. Thanks Michelle mei. Praise God for your prayerful heart. I needed that.
Eventually got to pray at 2plus, Foongyin, Yongsheng and I took turns to pray while Kenneth ended the prayer.
I knocked out till 6:30am. Woke up by FY. Her usual blowing of nose.
Actual Day of No-Kia
There were students who came as early as 8 o'clock. Started our SARS screening corner. Junhao, our chief medic, Siew Lim and another lady(Din get to noe her name) ... were busy checking the students and labourers since 8plus till 9:40.
When every team finished their screen, Sufen and I was busy getting the team registered and distribution of the survival kit.
The people who came from neighbourhood schools to army guys. One particular group had a guy with tattoos all over his body. Wow, din know that our event can attract these people. Praise God for that.
I guess there were people who were disturbed by the sight of it. Well, the good news is for all people tattoos or not tattoos they still need Christ.
9:25. Kenneth started the briefing. Around 10mins later, the event began.
Could feel the excitement from the various team. They were running from stations to stations trying to earn points from the Station Master by eating poos, drinking their own saliva after spitting their out, letting meal worms crawling over their hands... etc.
Kenneth, Sufen and I had a short time of prayer before I moved off to different station master some Newater.
12:15. Every team moved back to the end point which was the musical fountain. They exchanged their Log card for a few gospel help-sheets. The leader of the group would then shared the gospel. Almost everyone was trying to do their best to share the gospel. What a lovely sight! Praise God for these people.
I was thankful that the teens were able to be bold to share with the friends they brought. People like Serene Seetoh, Kingsan, Roger, Liwei... and so many more. I sure God had blessed their hearts.
The event ended with the prize giving.
After which the workforce, rallied for a debrief and prayer. Praise the Lord.
I was tired, no more energy left. I wanted to sleep. Mentally dead but Spiritual alive.
Parents' Appreciation Nite
Tonight was the church evangelistic outreach for parents. My dad promised he would come for the event.
So, I stayed home to wait for him to come back.
7pm. Dad wasn't back from work. I took my guitar and started worshipping the Lord. I turned my worship song book and flipped. The song, "The battle belongs to the Lord" caught my eyes. I began singing... the more I sung, the more I believed that the battle belongs the Lord.
7:15pm. Dad arrived home. He told me that he had to rush back so that we could go to church. Wow, I din expect him to do that. I was totally amazed.
Another pleasant surprise came when he suggested we took a cab down. Knowing my dad, he wouldn't take a cab to anywhere unless it's really urgent It wasn't his habit.
Prepare a quick snack for him to munch. Took out his clothes and shoes while he was showering. I was excited.
Thanked the Lord, we were able to hail a cab the moment we were downstairs. I was smsing furiously to many people. Telling them, I was rushing down to church with my dad. Din care what they were thinking. The excitement could not be contained.
Arrived in church at 8pm. Just nice. Pastor Gilbert to end with the last song. An elderly bro in Christ shared about his testimony on how God used his daughter to make him come back to the Lord. Praise God for this man.
Pastor Gilbert urged the Christian children to come to the stage to sing a very old hokkien song to our parents in appreciating them. I tried hard to sing in hokkien. Not easy to look at chinese words and translate into hokkien when your mind is never trained to do that. Nevertheless, I sung. I kept looking towards my dad's direction when singing the song. Tears started to well up in my eyes.
After the song, Pastor encouraged us to tell our parents that we loved them through the microphone. Some of us took turns to tell our parents. I was so fearful. However, I refused to not show my affection for my dad. I took the mike. With mixed hokkien and mandarin.
"Pa, Jesus loves YOU!" "I loved you, too."
Wow, it's was sooooooooooo embarrassing.
Pastor asked our parents to stand up and he would pray for God's blessing to them. Tears started to well up again. They began to stream out from my eyes. Errk... my nose water was dripping down. Gosh.
We returned to our seats. I gave my dad a wrapped around the shoulder... male kind of bonding. My nose was still leaking. Dad asked whether I was cold. My reply was not due to that rather it's after the singing.
Pastor Oh Beng Khee shared a tremendously mind challenging message. God had used his message to touch me and my dad. I could type out the message coz it would take me another 2hrs to give a full detail of it.
In short, he shared what is filial. What is our Christian response of honouring our parents. The whole message touched many parents and children tonight. Pastor Oh made an altar call. Dad signalled that he wanted to go down. I looked at him dumbfound. I asked him whether he wanted to go down. He replied, "Yes!"
I was stunned.
Accompanied my dad in front of the sanctuary. Pastor Oh explained the significant of praying to receive Christ. Then he led in the sinner's prayer. Standing beside dad, I saw him reciting the prayer... I couldn't believe my eyes. Praise the Lord.
A brother from Chinese congregation came over to talk to my dad. Praise God for using this man. Filled up a little response slip for my dad. Moved back to our own seats to get our stuffs before heading down to the foyer for some refreshment.
I wanted to double confirm whether my dad understood what he had done when he prayed the sinners' prayer. He told me he believed in everything(as in every other religion). Though a little anti-climax, I was still thankful that he had made the step to pray that prayer. I think it's still his ego that prevent him to say that he wanted to rely on God. Nevermind, slowly. God is not someone who rushes man. Amen.
Told myself that I will accompany him whether he is free to go to church on sat for the Hokkien service.
The brother took my dad to one of the seats and chatted. His wife came along to share wif my dad. We had our refreshment. Then another sister from Chinese congregation brought her mum over to chat. Dad and I bidden goodbye to the couple. Wanted to bring dad to eat his proper dinner.
Had quite a sumptuous meal.
Daddy suggested taking a cab back. Again? Anyway, this time round he was paying for the cab fare. I had already paid for the coming trip and the dinner... my wallet left a few bucks.
Left Greenridge.
It's a new beginning for my dad and me.
Please pray that:
1) He will start to grow in the Lord in HIS timing.
2) He will understand the meaning of becoming a Christian.
3) He will be free to come to church.
My batteries are running low now. Tired but thankful. Amen.
April 27, 2003
Had a tremendous fruitful and wonderful this weekend.
ITE Bishan E1
Meet up with Wee Leong(WL) and Roger on Sat morning for the ITE E1 deal.
As we entered, the ITE bishand the whole premise is almost deserted.
Only see a few students sitting at the canteen. Kind of abit disappointed. We moved to the furthest end of the canteen... then Wee Leong and I realised the school authorities had revamped the entire place. They replaced the old tables and chairs which were filled with bird's dropping to a more colourful tables and chairs.
At least they looked nicer and cleaner.
We chatted for awhile before going into a time of prayer... the prayer passage WL chose was Isaiah 43:1-13
Israel's Only Savior
1 But now, this is what the LORD says-
he who created you, O Jacob,
he who formed you, O Israel:
"Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
2 When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.
3 For I am the LORD , your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;
I give Egypt for your ransom,
Cush [1] and Seba in your stead.
4 Since you are precious and honoured in my sight,
and because I love you,
I will give men in exchange for you,
and people in exchange for your life.
5 Do not be afraid, for I am with you;
I will bring your children from the east
and gather you from the west.
6 I will say to the north, 'Give them up!'
and to the south, 'Do not hold them back.'
Bring my sons from afar
and my daughters from the ends of the earth-
7 everyone who is called by my name,
whom I created for my glory,
whom I formed and made."
8 Lead out those who have eyes but are blind,
who have ears but are deaf.
9 All the nations gather together
and the peoples assemble.
Which of them foretold this
and proclaimed to us the former things?
Let them bring in their witnesses to prove they were right,
so that others may hear and say, "It is true."
10 "You are my witnesses," declares the LORD ,
"and my servant whom I have chosen,
so that you may know and believe me
and understand that I am he.
Before me no god was formed,
nor will there be one after me.
11 I, even I, am the LORD ,
and apart from me there is no savior.
12 I have revealed and saved and proclaimed-
I, and not some foreign god among you.
You are my witnesses," declares the LORD , "that I am God.
13 Yes, and from ancient days I am he.
No one can deliver out of my hand.
When I act, who can reverse it?"
We pray through some of the verses... claiming promises and some directions from the Lord.
The most interesting part came when WL prayed that by praying we are also doing the work and not physically go into evangelism and presenting the gospel.
It reminded me that praying is also doing God's work. Personally, I'm a person who rather go and get my hands in doing something than to go on my knees and pray. God used WL to remind me that His work is done by first committing our prayers to Him. Not head straight to do the work.
Thanked the God for using Wee Leong.
After we ended praying through Isaiah 43:1-13, we proceed to walk round the school to pray for every corners of the school. Each of us took turns to pray... from praying for the health of students to the meeting the inner needs of the students.
I didn't feel as disappointed like I did earlier. Praise God for being in our midst through the whole session.
Baptism Service in Faith Community Baptist Church(FCBC)
Later in the evening, I went down to FCBC for Dawn's baptism service. I realised that every time I do down to FCBC is someone else baptism.
Once thing similar with my church is that while worshipping God, the baptism is ongoing. I was enjoying worshipping God that I din realised that Dawn had already baptised.
After which the sermon was given by Senior Pastor Khong. The whole message was clear and well presented. He shared about what is the purpose of living... there was quite a no. of things which were very minded challenging but the most striking one was it's all about God. Not abt me. It was never myself. It's always about God. In order to know the purpose of living is we need to embrace God into our lives. Our lives can never be purposeful when He is not in our lives.
There was an altar call for all pre-believers and Christians who had back-slide to recommit their lives to God once again. My people came forward. There were aleast 20 people out in the front. They received prayers and blessings. I prayed that these people will have proper follow up.
At the end of the service, met up with Dawn and gave her nicely arranged sunflowers to encourage her for step of boldness to go through baptism. A new and fresh start with the Lord.
Bidded her good bye b'coz I needed to rush off for the No-Kia meeting
Prayer Retreat
Have a enjoyable time... from 8am to 7pm.
The earlier part of the programme was pray to adore God. I must comment that the method Siew Lim suggested was a very systematic way of praising God. From the alphabet A-Z.
Then we moved on to pray for Post Secondary Ministry(PSM) and for our evangelistic event(No-Kia Factor). As for the No-Kia Factor, we were still very much worried about the upcoming. However, Robert brought out a extremely good point that we were focusing too much on the SARS. He urged us to direct our attention back to the Creation who is all powerful over the whole issue. Praise God for the insightful thought.
The later part of the program was we went over to our property in Race Course Road. Viewing the premises and praying over the various important prayer items... like the building process to the usage of the property. Praise God for the giving us the property in the advancement of his kingdom.
We moved on to MacRitchie to do our Extended Time With God(ETWG). Personally, it was a most fruitful time with the Lord. I had 15mins of purely praising God. Boy, it was difficult initially b'coz I was trying to settle down into the mood of been still with the Lord... there were so many distraction like a couple eating ice-creams next to me... the occasionally, people passing by my bench.
When I got into the mood, I wasn't bother by such thing any longer. Praise God for enabling me.
Several times while I was pinning down my thoughts, I was starting to doze off... due to little wind coming my way... and it was humid. I decided to move up to the cateria. I was enjoying writing down my thoughts upon it was time to gather in our groups to meet.
I struggled about one of my weakness was in relationship. In a BGR kind. As much as I longed for one I wasn't ready to step into one. Getting into a relationship doesn't solved my longing. It doesn't guarantee that I will be satisfied by it. The root issue was I was not totally security in the Lord. I still struggled in finding my significant in the Lord. Unless, I looked to the Lord for security and significant... I will still continue to struggling in BGR.
I decided to start been more serious with God in having more quality time with the Lord... After my sharing... Robert asked Yongsheng to pray for me... during his prayers. A thought came across my mind when he mentioned that I can't love God more... without understanding how much God loves me. Again, I was focusing on the doing part but failed to let God let me experience His Love for me...
Right now, I jus want to taste God's love afresh like the time when I was first received Christ. My 1st love...
"God lead me to your pasture. Take me to the highest plains. Come and touch my life anew so that I can start to love you afresh. Amen."
In His Grace and Love.
April 25, 2003
... Still feeling not so good... but better than yesterday. Thks Dawn for praying for me and encouraging me! Gonna give tonight's Praise and Pray amiss coz I'm having too much things on my schedules... Need to do my Bible Study, my tutorials, my circuit revision booking, attending a friend's birthday chalet, attending her baptism session, packing the goodies bags for No-Kia Factor, go for prayer retreat... the list continues.
This is horrible... Grasping of air... Hey wait a minute. I kinda of enjoy this kind of life. So long as I still serving the King and not the kingdom. Yupz... must remind myself to do that. Must allow the mundane things affect my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
One more plus hour to go before I knock off... Leap for joy!!! Weekends!
Meeting a sister tonite to shop for two presents for my brothers in Christ. So busy until I have to do a last minute shopping. Hence, not attending the Praise and Pray tonite. Well, God will forgive me. =)
Gonna treat her to a meal at Lemon Grass... I think. Still deciding. Gonna make her treat me cheese cake. Oh I have a weakness for cheese cake other than chocolate. All these food will make me fat, but who cares... the most I go home and do a few more cruches and push ups.
"Cheese cake! Cheese cake!"
I think I will also spend some time in prayer and sharing with this wonderful sister in Christ... Amen.
April 23, 2003
... Woke up early in the morning feeling uneasy... like something bad is going to happen. Argh. Hate this kind of feeling... make my day kinda of terrible. Prayed to my God over this. Dun know whether it is related to work stress or what...
When I received a sms from my leader reading... Psalm 27:1 for you. "1 The LORD is my light and my salvation- whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life- of whom shall I be afraid?"
Kinda of like an answered prayer from the Lord. At least this will keep me going for awhile till the end of the day...
The last few days was terribly busy with lessons and meeting up with people. I guess one of the comfort was I bought my very own acrostic guiter. Under the brand name Morris. It's a pretty gd guiter, the sound, craftsmanship was excellent. Furthermore, it can be plugged into a Amp. However, you can't really compare this with
Taylor... Morris is only 70% ~ 80% like Taylor in terms of sounds, quality etc. Still I'm already contented with it. Hopefully, I will be good enough to play with a band... hee.
Another 5plus hrs more before I knock off from work... gonna keep me in prayer that there will not be anything screw up during work.Clap my hands in prayer...
April 18, 2003
Praise the Lord for today... A day of which He came to die on the Christ of you and I.
Initially, we were supposed to have the "No-Kia" Factor... an outreach rally for the teens...
However, the event was postponed due to the current SARS.
Well, God changed the agenda... Roger took the initiative to organise some event for the ITE students(Bishan) to continue to excite them since the "No-Kia" Factor was cancelled. Praise God for him... if not it will be a uneventful day for me...
To go back a few days before today's picnic... when Roger tried calling the ITE students to get confirm no coming. He received some not very gd news. They decided not to come. I'm sure at that point of time. He must had felt terrible. Bro Roger, if u are reading this mail now. I wanna to affirm you that you did a wonderful job in calling them!!! At the end of the day, it's really doesn't mind whether they come or not... it's that heart of yours which is so willing to make the initiative that counts. I'm sure God had already saw that. Praise God for that.
Another God created agenda came when Serene msg me that she had invited her friends from ITE and poly to come for the picnic. This was without my knowledge. She was rather apologetic about it... I assured her that was totally fine. The outreach wasn't solely for the ITE students only. It's about reaching out to other people as well... After assuring her, I was already thinking.
"Wow, God is a God of surprises... on one hand, we have other ITE students who decline to come... on the other hand, God provided another group of students thru Serene. Praise God for that!"
Back to the event day... I bumped into Kingsan in a provision shop along my journey to East Coast. I was encouraged by this brother whom was so eager to serve in planning for the game today. Furthermore, he went over the Li Jie's hse just to bring the jelly for us to consume. Bro, if you are reading this. Praise God for you act of servanthood. And Li Jie, thanks for taking time off from your studies to make those lovely and delicious jelly.
When we were walking to meet the rest of the gang. I noticed dark clouds hovering over the sky. Inside me... I was praying, "God, please don't rain..." Then I saw Serene and her friend Brian. Have short introduction. Shortly, Roger arrived. Wee Leong and Zhen yang also arrived.
Not long after the rain already arrived... "Oh no, Lord not the rain..."
We had to seek shelter near the 7-11. There was a sense of awkwardness, everyone was feeling abit uncomfortable... you stared and me, I stared you... tried to start the ball rolling by introducing name again... not the ball didn't roll further from there. We were back to our square one. Hmph.
The rain stopped.
"Thank God for answering my prayers"
We proceed to the some of the benches which was not occupied. Layout our food. Started munching... then the people started to warm up. I seriously believed food is one of the ways to get people to warm up... people's defences start to collapse when you serve them drinks and food... We were able to strive up conversation... here and there. One thing I did notice was Serene was like one of those 'targets' to be "suan" most of the time.
Nevertheless, it did help in making the people more comfortable. Thks, Serene for being the prime 'target'.
Throughout the whole picnic, we had lots of pockets of laughter... some of them were my lame jokes which have totally no connection. Who cares... so long as I got people to laugh at me for being stupid. Not been intellectual. My confident is in Christ alone.
I'm still very impressed by my leader,Wee Leong. He took every and any opportunity to interact with the students. Sharing with them, inviting them to the "No-Kia" Factor. Exciting them for the event. Something I think I'm still lacking in the areas of passion for the lost.
The rest of the people, Roger, Kingsan and Serene did make lotsa of effort to make all the people to gel up the group... Thk God for their efforts.
Oh another thing, I really thanked God for was I had the wonderful opportunity to talk to Zhen Yang who was quiet most of the time. God provided a common topic which was "motorbike". We were yakking and yakking non stop about the different models of bikes. I think we can talk about bike for the whole day.
I think I caught this kind of passion from my dad. Always so engross about the bike. Hmm... I prayed that I can do the same for sharing the good news in the years to come. I'll dream, eat, sleep, think etc abt sharing the gospel.
Overall, the whole event was blessed by the Lord. A lot of changed agenda. Too many surprises from the Lord. I'm not sure whether my heart can take these kind of surprises. However, with the Lord's help I think I can. I would say that it was a success.
Thank God for using various people in making this a success in the Lord.
Thank God for Ginny for making the egg mayo. It was delicious. Thank God for her for been so 'powerful' in taking care of the 2 and 1/2 children so that Wee Leong can be free to interact with the students. Btw, the 1/2 children refers to her son currently in her womb now.
Thank God for Wee Leong, been a leader who is so supportive to our last min planning of this event. He wasn't there to diminish our spirit.
Thank God for Serene's sunshine spirit. Without her smile and laughter and her ability to laugh at herself being suan. Not very edifing for her image but it does add on to her treasure in heaven.
Oh of coz and her friends.
Thank God for Roger's willingness to be blend into the whole conversation even though at times he wasn't sure what we were talking about.
Thank God for Kingsan for planning the games and getting the drinks. Even though at the end, we didn't play a single game at all.
Thank God for Li Jie for making such wonderful and nice jelly.
Thank God for everyone who endured reading this horrible lengthy blog of mine.
Last of all, Thank God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!
Did I left out anyone??? Oh yeah, I forgot to thank myself for been so full of myself. Lame and at times cannot be understood by people. Who was left out in one of thoes dusty shelf. Who cares? The Lord Jesus does! Amen? AMEN!!!
April 14, 2003
She had shifted to a new doman and She is back!
Added Good Stuff!
For the last 3days, I had a wonderful encounter wif God. He had used various God-fearing believers to share lessons of great value to me.
Many of you knew that I had been praying and trying to get a placing in NIE. My passion for teaching had not ceased. Thus, I applied for a post in teaching recently. I hoped and prayed that I'll be able to get in this time round since the demand of teachers will increase in 2005 when the classroom will be shrink to 30pupils instead of the current 40pupils.
Two Fridays ago, I received a letter from MOE... I torn open the envelope. Yes, I was rejected again for the 7th time. Hai. Rejected again!!! However, this time round I wasn't so devastated compared to 10mths ago. I wasn't going to give up yet. I told myself I'll try again next mth.
Frankly, I was still abit sore abt the whole thing...
Last Fri... there was a change in the meeting of the CG(Covenant Group). My CG, lighthse 1 was to get another CG, lighthse 2. There was a sharing from a bro, Sebe abt seeking God and knowing God's will for me. An interesting topic.
Most of the time, we seek God in eg. A change of vocation, higher education, marriage etc... but not what we eat, what we wear... etc.
From the sharing, Sebe shared abt in order for us as Christians.
We need to know the Father's heart... He used Psalm 103 and some others verses to share. Psalm 103 which describes of God attributes. A wonderful psalm indeed. Another verses that really ministered to me... is Jn 15:15. "15I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you."
In order to know seeking and knowing God's will for us...
I need to have a growing relationship wif God. A cultivating relationship wif the Lord. If I don't have such intimate relationship... when God show me from daily routine eg. making my bed... when God said something abt making my bed is like making my Christian walk with the Lord straight and neat...
I will not be sensitive to such lesson from daily routine... in my big and small decision.
Ways to cultivate such relationship...
1) Thru a quality Quiet Time
2) Communication wif the Lord, prayer
3) Most impt thing is I want and desire to do that...
I like this quote... "What is the differences btw a disciple and a lover of God when they forget to do their QT? A disciple will say, "Sorry, Please forgive me Lord, I forget do QT." A lover will say, "Lord, I miss you."
On Sat, I had a great MTM(Man to Man) session wif Wee Leong. I shared abt my rejection from MOE... Told him abt my decision on applying again... and the sharing on last fri.
I told him abt God gave me the 1st vision in my 10yrs of walk wif the Lord... Ps 20:4 "4May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed."
That's why I wasn't going to give up the application.
He showed two other verses, Ps 21:2 "2You have granted him the desire of his heart
and have not withheld the request of his lips. Selah "
Ps 37:4 "4Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart."
God will grant the desire my heart when I delight myself in Him first... and having the desire will meet that my desire and His desire must go in line together. I need to give up this desire to God first and allow God to use it... If it according to His desire... God will definitely give it back to me.
As I was reflecting, I realised that how often I come to the Lord with my own agenda. I wasn't interested to know God's agenda for me...
Often when I come to the Lord merely to ask for His suggestion... like wat Sebe shared. "God should I study Maths or Physics? When God said, "Study Maths!" "Thks God, I will study Physics"
I'm taking Him for granted... I have belittled God... who is suppose to be my LORD and Saviour...
What kind of attitude is that! How absurb!
Wee Leong helped me to realised that I need to let this desire to go into teaching died... so that if it's God's desire too... He will definitely give it back and make the path clear in my favour.
Not that, I test and try and try again and again... hopeful the door will somehow open... 7th times I was rejected... what is the learning point? God had closed the door... I had not allow God to look at the agenda... I wanted to press God's button. "God, I want this to happen. Make it happen!
I had not surrendered it to the Lord.
Sun... today. It's the last lesson on the BGR(Boy Girl Relationship). It had been postponed for 2wks b'coz of SARS.
God brought people like Kwoon Yong to shared abt Self Image.
There are things in my life I wished I could change.
B'coz often I see myself in 2 Ways:
1) lowly than God sees me
2) higher than God sees me
The 1st and 2nd is not a healthy way of looking at myself...
Kwoon Yong suggested that I shld see myself as God sees me... significant and competent in Him.
I can't find my significant in gf or wife... it's the reverse. My signification can only be found in Him.
Siang Hon, the next speaker shared abt the difference btw King Saul and David.
David was a man after God's heart whereas Saul wasn't.
I need to be like David running AFTER God's heart... not BEFORE or BEHIND but just AFTER God's heart.
Later he shared abt the 4Ms
1) Master
2) Mission
3) Mate
4) Me
1. I must know my who is my Master. 2. I must know what my Mission/Purpose for me. 3. Then God will provide this Mate. 4. I need to make the Me to be the ONE if I want my future partner to make all my expectations. I have to be able to one who can fulfil my own expectations with God's help of coz.
Rebecca shared the 4Es
1) Esteem in Christ
2) Expectation of my future partner
3) Enjoy my singlehood
4) Entrust my life
When the whole sharing ended... Matt told us that we are shld give the ladies a yellow rose each and tell them that we appreciated them and they are fearfully and wonderfully made... Praise God for this act of appreciate the leaders had told of.
I had no problem giving flowers to ladies... but for the most of the rest of the guys were struggling like mad... so nervous. Hee... nevertheless, we all gave and appreciate the ladies...
The last segment was a testimony of Ronald and Loo Yi... it's was wonderful sharing of how God uses the mistakes of man... and later on turn the table around and blessed the relationship. Very touching testimony...
The leaders wanted to end the evening wif a time of worship... little do I all know that God have another agenda for me...
Matt led in a time of submission and surrender. Allowing God to heal the past relationships, relationship at home, I struggled with some of these issues... He later on challenged us stand in response to it. He told us that we need to received such healing if not we will not be able to go into a relationship wif out these baggage.
Finally, I decided to surrender the past relationships which crippled me... as I started to recall... tears began to steam down my eyes... it's so difficult to let God take it... coz it means that I have to rip up the wound which I wanted hid for so many years and recent years. It's just too overwhelming for me... my heart broke.
I cried like a baby...
As the worship continued... there was a sense of slow and sure assurance from the Lord. I began to open my eyes... and saw many of my brothers and sisters were oso weeping... some of them even fell down on the ground flat... Pastor Swee Boo and other bros were praying for them...
One of the bros was experiencing tremendously pain... I dun know actually what happened to his life... but I knew inside he was hurting so much. Crying so loudly... Josh and I just fell on our knees so prayed for this bro... It's had been so long since I experienced God touching some many lives in the deep issue. Including my own issues.
I'm just so glad that God had touched so many pple today... though it maybe a kind of good sensation... it doesn't mean that I'm heal immediately but it's definitely a new beginning for me... and for many of my brothers and sisters out there.
We lived in a distorted society where we want to find our significant in many places... as Christians it's doesn't mean that we don't struggled wif it... all the more we struggled. We maybe very good in our bible study, leading worship, playing the guitar, drums etc...
We have come to a stage when we find our security in our grades, studies, jobs... our heart had be so hardened... or rather we are scared that the person next to us whom we share will think lowly of us when we sharing such struggles.
As for me, my healing process had just started... and I thanked Lord for this time of unspoken agenda.
April 07, 2003
Reality Bites
... the last few days was kinda on the low side. School had cancelled till 13th of April due to SARS. Got news that I was rejected from MOE for the 7th time...
The number of pple catching SARS is climbing. 2 more deaths. One of which is a 27 years old doctor. My humble condolences to him and his family.
He finally lost the battle with the virus. Leaving behind a lot of hearts broken especially to her wife to be... tragic. He still have so many years ahead of him. ,b>My salute to all doctors, nurses, lab assistance, admin staff, cleaners etc who selflessly do their jobs which the rest of us... complain and complain that we don't have the right cutlery to eat our steak.
Another person whose death brought much sorrow to the media was Leslie Cheung. When I received an sms from a friend on April Fool's Day. I barked back to say dun play such a kind of joke. I never quite enjoy play a prank on someone...
I fell off my couch when I heard the news that Leslie committed suicide. Although I was not a die-hard fan of his... I felt a sense of lost for the HK media circle. He was a tremendously talented actor and singer. Though his personal life I wasn't very impressive.
I enjoyed most of his movies... My humble condolences to him too... Good bye, Leslie your life had been remembered by many fans out there!
Reflecting on my own life... will I commit suicide if I'm faced with depression which I can't handle. Seriously, I don't know. So far, no woman had made me willing to give up my life for... though there was 1 this woman who had caused to gone into depression for 6mths. It wasn't enough to make me bring myself to end my life.
I guess I love my life too much to even end it. Furthermore, my belief is doing such a thing is SIN. Personally, I think it's a coward way to settle things. Running from reality though reality bites. Reminds me of a song by Lisa Loeb, 'Stay' from the movie 'Reality Bites'
Coming from a not so perfect family... i can empathise with those who's family is broken. At a tender age, I already experienced quite a number events when a lot teens these days are busy spending money without thinking about whether tomorrow they have enough to even a bowl of rice...
Reality Bites... but God is still in the picture to pick me up when I am down. All I need to do is to wait.
April 05, 2003
April 01, 2003
The Wedding Day
Part 2
... Yum Seng was something very common in the wedding
banquet... Our table was roped into the Yum Seng gang.
Huh!?!? How come I don't know? Never mind, it's for
bro Vin. I'll Yum my lungs out... ha ha ha.
The MC addressed to the guests to raise their Teh,
Spirt, Brandy, Red wine and Newater... Newater???
Brother, you are in Malaysia where got Newater...
later you kena stoned...
The Yum Seng gang did out 1st Yum Senging... The MC
didn't give any signal to end... I'm running out of
breath... Yum... Yum... Yum... My face turning red...
Thank God, GH took the initiative to raise his hand
and put it down... to indicated cut.
The same thing happened to the 2nd and final Yum
Seng... My heart and lung was thrown out... Gasping
for air... The champagne was sweet... with a lingering
after taste.
Affirmed GH that he did a good job in initiating the
cut signal if not I would have fainted on the stage.
Proceed on with the dinner... Mike was planning for a
sabotage for the couple. He wanted the fish tail to do
some stunts.
There were 3 bowls to cover the various fish tails.
Each of them represent different sabotage.
After finished the photo sessions, the couple as
thinking of escaping the Sabo. James and another
brother to bring them back.
Vincent was hesitated about the whole thing... but
still he was still a good sport. So what was he going
to do. Mike explained that the fish tail with garnish
is to kiss the bride's bum, the one without is to kiss
the boobs and the one with chilli is to pass the
chilli mouth to mouth.
Poor Vincent, he chose the one with chilli. He had to
place 2 red and green cut chilli on his tongue and
pass them to Amanda. He wasn't successful the 1st
time... after 2 chilli passed he dropped the rest of
Boo Hoo... need to retry. The 2nd time was worse
everything dropped. Finally, the 3rd time he was able
to pass the chilli to her successfully...
It was so embrassing for the couple, nevertheless it's
a good memory for them. Mike exclaimed that it was
purely Rebekah's idea... who was innocently blamed.
"Mike how can you say that.. Now no one is going to
marry me... hmph.", protested Rebekah.
Went back to our respective table to continue our
dinner... Melody decided to changed seat with Ja and
sit next to me... She wanted to talk with me. Guess
she was very comfortable talking to me. Dun get
mistaken, she was not a potential gal in my mind...
she is just a 5years old little gal who enjoy my
company. Thank God, I appeal to both women and
children in a good sense.
I'm comfortable talking to women and children even
elderly folks. I guess God gave me a bigger heart for
these group of people.
I pray and hope that by this I will be trained to have
a bigger heart for my girlfriend to be... Wherever she
Ended the dinner around 8plus closed to 9pm. Some of
them who are not stayin over in the hotel needed to
catch the coach back to S'pore.
Went the exit to congratulate the couple again...
Gracia remarked that we will be there to Sabo them
again at 2am. Huh! You sure or not Gracia... you wanna
disturb the couple again... goodness.
Walked back to our room, to chill out... took off my
tie and shirt, collapsed onto the bed. What a day!
While the rest of them was taking turns to shower... I
looked at myself in the mirror... Oh no... I'm getting
fat. Staring in disbelief... Oh no... from workout
almost everyday to becoming a one day workout freak...
it's not getting my body any where... Jia Lat. Maybe,
I should working out again religiously when I go back
to S'pore.
Hmm... maybe... maybe... maybe... ha ha ha.
After my hot shower, continued to update myself with
lastest news of the War and SARS. Still kinda of sian
of the uncertainity of the whole chaos.
10plus... received a ring at the door. Gracia, Dave
and my little good friend, Melody arrived. Shortly
after Angie and Ja arrived also.
Dave decided to go back his room to rest... a very
long day for this husband and father...
11plus we decided that we had enuff of the rumble
cubes... (forgot the spelling). Everyone was thinking
of having supper. I was only interested in having a
Hired a cab while Dave drove the 2 gals... poor Dave
need to drive us around though he was so tired. He's
really a wonderful husband... no whether Gracia chose
him... out of the many suitors.
Went to don't know what Sentosa... it's where good
seafood was served according to some of my frens. We
ordered a few dishes and shared.
My personal fav was chilli Kang Kong. Enjoyed the
fellowship... had lotsa of laughters and fun.
Headed back to the hotel to Sabo the couple... James,
Kel and I were the first to greet the couple...
Few mins after, GH and Angie went... the couple asked
whether Gracia was coming... decide to abort mission
since the couple was expecting...
Went back to our respective rooms... when Gracia
called that she wanted to honor her word to disturb
them at 2am. Hence we moved back to Vin & Amanda's
room... We decided to sing Amanda the song, Vin wasn't
able to properly to be a blessing to Amanda.
When we reached there, we pressed the bell... no
response. Hmm... we pressed again a few more times
just in case they couldn't hear the bell. Still no
Started to knock and press the bell... still no
response. Goodness. Either they were sound asleep or
they refuse to open the door... continue to press the
bell non-stop. Still no response. That's not good.
Plan B. We leave Ja and Angie to press the bell while
the rest of us go back to our room to think of another
We used our room telephone to intercomm to theirs...
still no response. Vincent is determined not to give
in... We made some plans like climb over the balcony,
called the house keeping to change their bedsheets...
(2plus in the morning???), blah blah...
In the end, we decided to forget it... and allow them
to enjoy their RM1000plus suite. The next day then
maybe we would disturb them when we see them for
Catch a little bit of the old HK movie before we went
to our individual slumberlands. Told the guys that I
had the tentative to snore when I'm in the air
conditioned room.
No response... wah the rest of them already knocked
out. 3plus... need to catch some sleep if not I can't
wake up on time for the complimentary breakfast.
.... Woke up around 7plus... refused to get up and
tuck myself back to sleep... when I heard the phone
rung... the 9am morning call... Argh.
Spent some devotion time with the Lord... before I had
my wash up. Went down to the lounge, in my shorts and
t-shirt. My typical clothes when I go overseas... hack
care style...
Got irritated by a waiter for his rude manners... I
have this thing against Malaysian malays... they are
not in my good books compare to malays in S'pore.
They were not willing to make some re-arrangement for
the seats for the 9 of us... What kind of service is
this... Good thing it's not Singapore or else I will
lodge a complaint.
Walked over to Vincent and Amanda's table... told them
about last nite's incident. Amanda told us she din
even hear a single thing... Vincent did hear the
commotion but he was already too tired to even move
his phyiscally body... Poor guy! Must be extremely
tired the whole of yesterday.
The breakfast was quite ok only compared to the one in
Thailand... where I was eating my heart out. Decided
to take a look at their room when we finished packing
our belongings.
Close to 12pm... knocked on their room and sung Ming
Tian Wo Yao Jia Ga Ni Ma... Examine their room... it
was spacious and clean looking... a living room, a bed
room, a balcony and a bed tub with Jacuzzi... Wah so
Stepped to the balcony... We wanted to pray for this
God united couple. James prayed for Vincent, Ja prayed
for Amanda and Gracia end the prayer...
Bid them happy honeymoon... they were going to Bali
for 4 days then to Geccee for 7 days... So shiok...
Moved back to our rooms and collected our belongings
and check out from the hotel. Headed to Holiday Plaza
to shop for some goodies for my friends back in
Merlion City.
The whole place was a pirated CD paradise.
After our lunch at KFC, we went off in separate
ways... GH, James and I took a cab to the custom...
passed the custom. Seeing the endless queue, we
decided to walked back to S'pore.
Another hot and humid journey home...
The S'pore immgration is still better than the
Malaysian... well maintained and clean.
Had my passport stamped... I'm back to S'pore liao...
Home Sweet Home
Bro. James offered to send me back by the taxi since
my house was on the way... Thanks James appreciated
your thoughtfulness.
I'm really thankful to the Lord for placing countless
people who are such a blessing to my life...
Mins later, I reached home... hot and sticky. Had a
quick shower and went out to meet my friends...
And today is already Tuesday. How time flies... Maybe
I should take a break in the month of May.
Destination: Bintan
I'm still lacked of sleep...
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